Phew here we go again, it's 6.03am here and Simon is the only one on the course. The live feed followers will know that Kale finally finished the bike leg around 5am, he took a long time to complete the last 100km's after I went to my sack,... He's in his tent now, whilst the boy Bourne is out there doing it.
Simon gave so much yesterday that he was falling asleep running, which is why I sent him to bed around 11pm. He has had the best sleep of the trip so far around 5 hours, has showered (at last) and is looking really comfortable after completing 10k so far today.
The plan now, is to complete 2 marathons a day !!!!!!!
Bourneo is focused and has less than 400km's to go, each step takes him closer to his dream, being a Decaman.
Simon being congratulated by Kale's Dad Wes
on finishing the bike and starting his run
Lets keep him light on his feet, 'Bourne by air, Air Bourne' perhaps !
Keep at it Bourneo we are all rooting for you, smash them!! Per Ardua ad Astra!! Your good buddy Les.