Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday 22 Oct. 12


Decatriathlon Monterrey Mexico – World Championship 

We had a plan after the swim; which was to sleep until 8 which would have given us a little under 4 hours rest, we had forgotten about the start of the second day of competition which is when the rest of the field who are completing the Ironman distance on consecutive days, which range from 3,5,10 and 20, yes 20 separate Ironmen. None of them compare to Simon’s race of 10 x Ironman swim, 10 x Bike and then 10 x Marathon all consecutively.

Back to the story and the plan, which was to sleep for 4 hours, the rest of our salubrious shed woke from their tents at 6.45, it was noisy but I thought I would let Simon sleep if he could, little did I know that he had decided to let me sleep when he couldn’t and got on his bike at 6.30 just over 2 hours sleep. We have since had a chat over some food and we have another plan; which is to ride for an hour, and then eat and to do that for 3 hours and sleep, we will see. As he has 1800 laps of this kilometre long course, oh and there’s the small matter of having to run the opposite way round for 420 laps when he finishes the bike.

These Ultra Athletes have a different mind-set, certainly different from mine.

Oh did I tell you that Simon’s nearest pursuer is still in the pool ?

Update: Whilst I was on my way to post this piece, Simon’s saddle broke in two places, a road side repair gave me the time to find a bike shop, new saddle on and the man continues, he has ridden 50 (75 laps) miles so far.

Simon is staying on top and we are watching.

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