Friday, July 29, 2011

Ultra Distance Racing!

Its not always about time. Distance is just a number and the barriers we put in place are created by us. The only way to remove them is to enter into a new world of adventure. This may involve a certain amount of pain and discomfort, sometimes tears, sometimes laughter. When we suffer we learn about ourselves, push the limits and boundaries to find out what you are truly capable of! Ultra distance racing is about a finish line! Love it and live it..................Pain is inevitable, suffering is the dream...........I wake up every morning and think! How far can I go today, and how fast can I travel?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Endurance Thursday - Riding Free!!

Today was all about being one with the bike and big AL Mac discussing Ultraman UK. We were designed for locomotion. 3 hours of pure endurance where you can free the mind and educate the body to perform at low intensity without a care in the world. Tomorrow will bring a double session with my first endurance swim in the morning followed by an endurance run in the afternoon.......Swim - Bike - Run............The Dream is alive...............

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Recovery Is Paramount!

After a days rest and recovery it is now back to it. I place a great importance on recovery at the end of the week. Unlike most people my week runs from Wednesday to Tuesday. I generally rest on a Tuesday so that I am fresh to start a new week. Little point in starting tired so I take a dedicated rest day. Today I will do a nice easy ride and build as the week develops!! Train long and train alone. Develop the body and mind together...............................

Monday, July 25, 2011

Running Silently Through The Night..............

1am in the morning, a well lit moon, stars shine in clear skies! There is something majestic and calming about running through the night. Darkness falls on the dimly lit road, lorries rumble by going about their business. Endurance sports are, by nature, polarizing, they can be all-consuming. Participants tend to be deeply devoted and fanatical. The simple qualities needed to excel in such sports. I train alone and don't really care what time of day. Distance is just a number by which we measure our progress. Arriving home at 3.30am this morning, sitting quietly on the step outside eating and drinking I pondered for a moment before going to bed. This is what I love........................Living The Dream................DECAMAN is my DESTINY. I have always known it.................

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Endurance Saturday

A nice steady 50 miles in nice but windy conditions. Bike time is thinking time! I need to train and live like a professional to be successful at DECA. Consistency and dedication, training week in, week out for the next 15 months. Pain may only last for 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, success lasts forever! Live The Dream.................Tomorrow I will run far? I haven't decided yet.........................

Friday, July 22, 2011

Easy Does It

A nice steady late evening ride that saw me riding until darkness. After a hard session yesterday it was time to ease back today for an hour. Didn't finish training until 9.30pm and I could smell the aroma of food as people enjoyed the evening! Jealous? Of course I was....................................Tomorrow is endurance day whatever the weather brings!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Time To Suffer - Hill Repeats

Evening training session designed to maximise suffering and to overload the legs. A 1 hour session alternating seated and standing climbing in and out of the saddle. This is a short session where my heart rate will be elevated towards maximum. Intended to be uncomfortable.......................

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Most Sensible People Are Asleep

Up at 3.15am for breakfast before hitting the road out on the bike for a nice steady wake up ride before work. Distance means nothing anymore its all about endurance! Crazy world that few people get to see. I will be out on the road for 4am!!

The Journey Begins Today

Follow my daily training and preparation designed to give you an inside view of what is required to prepare for reputedly one of the toughest endurance races on the planet. This is truly hardcore and cannot be underestimated as it pushes me beyond my mental and physical limitations. Day 1 is tomorrow................